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9 amazing facts about Seaweed!

Here we go with 9 amazing facts and health benefits of seaweed that have nothing to do with trace elements or natural growth hormones...........(a bit unusual for us!)

1. Seaweeds are not plants - is seaweed a plant? No, they are a type of algae. They have no roots, leaves or stems to transport water or nutrients. Instead, each cell derives what it needs directly from the seawater around it. The only similarity between seaweed and land plants is that both rely on sunlight to create energy through photosynthesis.

2. Most of the world’s oxygen, about 70%, comes from seaweeds and algae. And Seaweed is one of the biggest carbon sequesters on our planet. Scientists believe Seaweed can be a big part of the climate change solution.

3. Some seaweeds reproduce by producing spores that actually have tiny “flippers” and swim away from the parent. So maybe seaweeds are animals like coral? Well no... seaweeds aren't plants but they aren't animals either!

4. Wakame, Kombu and Nori are all well-known seaweeds used as ingredients in Asian dishes. In fact, Asia consumes around 2 million tonnes of seaweed every year. Traditional dishes include simple seaweed salad recipes – wakame salad and Japanese seaweed salad.

5. It is estimated that there are 9 times more seaweeds in the ocean than there are plants on the land. But even though seaweed is harvested in many countries only three one-hundredths of one per cent of its total biomass is used.

6. Irish Moss is in fact a seaweed used for over a hundred years as a health remedy. Seaweed, one of the most iodine rich foods, has been used for centuries to cure all kinds of ills from tuberculosis and the flu to ovarian cysts and obesity. The low rate and general good health of the Japanese people have been attributed to the amount of seaweed in their diet.  The ancient Romans used seaweed to treat wounds, burns and rashes, and alginate is still widely used in hospital dressings.

7. People have been taking seaweed baths for their health-giving properties for centuries. The practice became particularly popular in Western Ireland, where there are still many Seaweed Bath Houses and Spas. To have your own seaweed bath, you can buy Seagreens Mineral Bath sachets from our online store.

8. Carrageenan, agar and alginates are all gels derived from seaweed. You are using these products every day. They are widely used in dairy products, desserts, toothpaste, air freshener gels, processed meats, and pet food. Amazingly they are also used to produce fire-proof clothing for firefighters and also the flux in welding rods.

9. Seaweed is becoming the buzzword for futurists. Algae could become the biofuel of the future. Bio-degradable plastics made from seaweed will replace those made from petrochemicals that are now polluting every inch of our planet. Medical breakthroughs are likely with seaweed extracts found to have anti-viral and anti-tumour properties.
And seaweed is gradually becoming more a part of the western diet, especially since we discovered sushi!

Experience the benefits of seaweed!

Blog post by Liz

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