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The amazing benefits of organic minerals

Elements as minerals are the building blocks of the universe, and of life on Earth. 

Minerals occur in 2 basic forms... "hard" minerals that are contained in rocks, and "soft" or organic minerals that are part of living things.

When you need extra minerals for your plants or your animals you either buy one or the other. 

Remember though, for living things to be able to easily assimilate these minerals they need to be in a soft "organic" form.
In this case organic doesn't refer to a method of growing, it means that the minerals are attached to a carbon atom.

Let me explain further.

All life on Earth is based on the element carbon. Because plants and animals on Earth are all carbon-based life forms we are built to use minerals that are also "carbon-based" ie have a carbon component.

Hard minerals include inputs such as rock dust, which is simply pulverised rock from areas rich in particular minerals.
Once spread over soil the rock dust is broken down by microbial activity into a soft organic form that can be assimilated by plants.
Rock dusts are a useful natural input for your farm or garden but you have to wait a long time for the microbes to do their work and to make them available for plants to use.

By contast the organic minerals in Seaweed are in an instantly available, organic form. These trace elements are already part of a living carbon-based life-form... seaweed! When you spray Seaperia your plants are able to use those minerals instantly to build cells and to grow strong leaves, stems, roots and fruit.

And it's the same when you supplement your animals with Seaperia Meal - those organic minerals are easily absorbed by their body. They become strong cells, a strong immune system, a healthy body and strong bones - they are not wasted, going in one end and out the other!

And one more thing... it's the same for you! When you have Seaweed in your diet the essential minerals are taken up instantly by your body. 

So many chemist supplements these days come out of factories and are made as cheaply as possible using hard minerals. Those mutivitamin and mineral tablets you spend good money on... is your body actually using those minerals or are they just being expelled and flushed away?

Minerals are the building blocks of the universe, but organic minerals are the building blocks of life. 
Seaperia Seaweed gives you over 60 trace elements in an organic form!
Beautifully pure, clean and natural.

And instantly available.

That's why Seaperia is the superior way of giving your plants and animals the minerals they need.

And Seagreens is the best multi-mineral supplement you can buy.


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